Kandlikar Plant Ecology Lab


Kandlikar lab


June 21, 2024

Welcome to the lab!

We are thrilled that you are here. Thanks for joining us in our quest to improve our understanding of ecological communities, and to make the world a better place while we do it.

This digital book is a living document1 that includes important information for helping making your time in the lab a success. The first section (“Onboarding”) includes a number of logistical points that you will want to address within the first few weeks after joining. The second section (“Life in the lab”) includes more general information about day-to-day activities in the lab and our department more broadly. The “Resources” section will be curated with links to academic papers, blog posts, books, and other material that you are likely to find helpful at some point during your stay in the lab.

1 We will dedicate at least one lab meeting each year to revising the contents of the book, and you are welcome to suggest changes on the git repository at any time.


The content of this book – and my approach to mentorship and running a research lab more generally – is highly shaped by my own experiences in academia, and by lab leaders across the world who have shared their work publicly. In particular, I want to give a shoutout to Lauren Sullivan and Max Liboiron, both of whom have, in different ways, fundamentally reshaped my idea of what a research lab can look like.