1  Basic onboarding logistics

This chapter contains tedious (but super important!) logistical information to help you get settled into the lab.

1.1 Keys

All non-undergraduate members of the lab should request keys for LSA A363 and LSA A127, following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to https://lsu.edu/science/biosci/resources/work_requests.php
  2. Click on the large “Biological Sciences IT support, work order, and key request form”.
  3. Click on ” BioSci - Work Request ”
  4. Click the purple “Request Service” button on the right the screen. If you are not already logged into your myLSU account, this will prompt for your username/password
  5. Complete the form (select “2” for how many keys are you requesting, and you can input both room numbers.)
  6. Gaurav will get an automated email to approve your request. If I don’t approve your request within 24 hours, feel free to remind me in person or on Discord.

1.2 Computing

All lab members of the lab will have access to computers (either a dedicated laptop or shared desktop) in lab for work. These computers will all be connected to LSU servers, and you can log in directly with your LSU accounts. If you have trouble accessing your account, submit a Work Request to our Department IT office.

  1. Navigate to https://lsu.edu/science/biosci/resources/work_requests.php
  2. Click on the large “Biological Sciences IT support, work order, and key request form”.
  3. Click on “BioSci - IT support request”
  4. Click the purple “Request Service” button on the right the screen. If you are not already logged into your myLSU account, this will prompt for your username/password
  5. Explain your problem in the Description field; include as much detail as possible to help Teryn/Aaron troubleshoot as quickly as possible.

1.2.1 Connecting to the lab printer

Steps for connecting to the lab’s wireless printer are posted next to the printer itself. Gaurav can help you if you run into issues, or you can submit an IT ticket as above.

1.2.2 Lab Discord

As soon as you can, please ask Gaurav (or anyone else in the lab) to send you an invitation to join the lab’s Discord. We use the discord for sharing relevant links, papers, events, etc.; to coordinate field trips and other research activities, etc. You will also have a private channel with Gaurav; please use this channel for informal communication, as emails tend to get lost.

1.2.3 Setting up on GitLab

During your first few weeks in lab, please follow the steps here to get set up with an account on GitLab.

1.3 Lab website

Please send Gaurav your photograph, brief bio, and pronouns for the lab website. In general, the bio can include information like you hometown, general research interest, ongoing projects, and past experiences. Please feel free to share anything else you’d like to include!

1.4 Trainings

All LSU employees and students are required to complete trainings regarding data security, ethics, lab safety, etc., within a few months of arrival on campus. You will receive automated emails about such requirements, most of which involve completing modules on LSU Moodle. Please ensure that you complete all trainings on time; lack of compliance has consequences for you personally and for the lab.

In addition to these, I also ask that everyone complete the “Basic Bio-Safety” and “Autoclave” training modules from LSU’s Environmental Health and Safety office within a month of joining the lab (link). Forward your confirmation email to Gaurav to maintain as part of the lab records.

1.5 Authorization to drive university vehicle

If you anticipate needing to drive the department truck, please complete the University’s driver authorization protocol: https://lsu.edu/riskmgt/vehicleuse/lsuam_vehicleuseprocedures.php. Complete this training and paperwork well in advance (e.g. 1 month) of when you anticipate using the vehicle.

1.6 Establishing a digital lab notebook

Follow the steps at this link to initiate your own lab notebook. Note that you need to get set up on GitLab before you can proceed with this step.